Welcome to Module 2: My balanced life

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Watch this "Intro to Module 2" video from Pastor Ron. Let's learn to live a balanced life!


M2, W1: My Balanced Life, Pt. 1

We live in a world of extremes. The lack of balance in life leads to poor health, poverty, addictions, and damaged relationships. In this lesson, we will discuss the four areas where a true disciple of Jesus must find balance.

Watch m2, w1 

M2, W2: My Balanced Life, Pt. 2

Your life on this earth is an assignment, and the greatest commandments must become the highest priorities of your life. In this lesson, we will seek to find a blessed life through understanding and walking in the highest priorities established by Christ for His disciples.

watch m2, w2

M2, W3: Knowing the Will of God

 Knowing God is a great blessing, but seeing Him work in every area of our lives often depends on the decisions we make in different situations. Difficult circumstances are often the result of choosing our own will over God's will for our lives. In this lesson, we will discuss the benefits of being in God’s will and some practical ways to discover His specific will for our lives.

watch m2, w3

M2, W4: Dealing With the World

Satan is called the god of this world. It is said of us that we live in this world, but we are not of this world. In this lesson, we will learn how to conquer the world’s system through the love of the Father and the power of the Spirit.

watch m2, w4

M2, W5: Freedom: A Renewed Mind

To grow spiritually, a redeemed person must embrace the process of transformation. A lost person's salvation is an eternal work that cannot be earned, but the sanctification of the soul and body is an ongoing process. In this lesson, we will talk about a key part of this process, the renewing of the mind.

watch m2, w5

M2, W6: Freedom: Overcoming Sexual Sin

We live in a sexually saturated society where many people believe that they can act on their sexual impulses without any consequences. This is one of the enormous lies of our generation. In this lesson, we want to discover the truth about sex and learn how to safeguard ourselves against the devastation of sexual sin.

watch m2, w6

M2, W7: Freedom: Overcoming Offenses

People getting offended in the church is a common problem, not a new reality. In this lesson, we expose the tactic of the devil and get some practical instructions on how to keep us free from walking in offense.


M2, W8: Marriage, Pt. 1

The chasm between the biblical and human visions of marriage is enormous and continues to expand. The biblical vision of marriage seems irrational to many and outdated in the modern world. In this lesson, we will explore God’s purpose and plan for marriage.


M2, W9: Marriage, Pt. 2

Adam was created from the dirt, and Eve was created from Adam’s rib. Men and women were created anatomically differently; God gave them the same job but different roles. The husband’s divine calling is to take the primary responsibility for Christ-like leadership, provision, and protection in the home. In this lesson, we will seek the biblical understanding of the God-ordained roles of the husband.

watch m2, w9

M2, W10: Marriage, Pt. 3

The wife’s divine calling is to look beyond the obstacles of her life and put her unshakable trust in God as she embraces her calling of humble submission and powerful partnership with her husband in their Kingdom marriage. In this lesson, we will seek the biblical understanding of the God-ordained roles of the wife in a marriage that glorifies God.

watch m2, w10

M2, W11: Finances, Pt. 1

Of all the components of life where Christians seem to struggle to find a healthy balance, we find that the area of their finances often ranks in the number one position. Does the Bible encourage or condemn the person who strives for financial gain? Is money evil? Should a person save for the future or give away all their possessions to those in need? In the next two lessons on finances, we hope to gain a balanced biblical view of the importance, value, and responsibility which God places on us regarding the purpose of money.

WATCH m2, w11

M2, W12: Finances, Pt. 2

Finances and stewardship principles are among the most important subjects to cover as we establish the basics of discipleship. In this second lesson on finances, we will identify the four basic attitudes of finance and discuss the seven practical ways in which we should handle our money according to the Bible.

watch m2, w12